Saturday, February 28, 2009

Early riser

6:20 am I awake, startled by my daughter crying in the hallway outside my room. She seems even more startled when I rush to pick her up and find out whats wrong. All she wants is to not got back to bed, so we start the day not so bright and early. Change the diapee, let the dogs out, cuddle under the kiki, get some goldfish?? (not really breakfast food, but whatever) get some fruit (thats better), split a cupcake (also not really morning food, but so satisfying that is should be) turn on Dora, cuddle more, she's surprisingly not interested in Dora today, go to her room, get adorned in a crown, glasses and pearl necklace. Nice nice! Try to take it off and put it on her, fit begins, crown goes back on mom's head, it's pinching but that's a small price to pay for starting your day looking fabulous. Then little one decides its time to go walking, wow, its been 2 hours already. We bundle up for the windy morning walk, leash up the dogs and head out on our adventure. It reminds me of when she was a wee rooterbug. We would walk every morning and usually not make it past the neighbors yard because all she really wanted to do was sit on the sidewalk and pick up rocks, examine them and covet them as if they were precious treasures and then entrust me and my large pockets with all of them. Now we are on to hunting for beebees (airsoft pellets). She scours the paths for them like a hawk and is no less excited about finding a new one then she was the first time she ever came across one. Its a delightful little game. We made it to the park eventually. Climbed and slid and swung and laughed and dug. Even the dogs got to be free in the desert for a moment or two, and daddy showed up after 3 hours of extra sleep, looking chipper and ready to do some climbing, swinging, and sliding of his own. It was a fantastic morning for all.

Friday, February 27, 2009

So much

Let me start this by saying that this blog is probably going to be the longest love letter ever written to my daughter. My fantastic husband, who I've been in love with since I was 17, will definitely be sprinkled in here as well. And I'm positive our 2 boxers will cause enough mischeive to make an appearance or two. One of them likes to eat drywall, not funny for me but I'm sure its entertaining for others.

In a nutshell, I am old skool in what is important to me and what I would like to pass on as value to my daughter but I'm living in this crazy new skool world and just trying to figure it all out. What else can we do in this life but try and enjoy oh and LOVE! This world would be so much better if we could all just love a little or a lot more.

Speaking of which lets get down to it and start with one of my favorite things that has ever been uttered to me, and yes, it came from my two year old's mouth, naturally! So we were doing the "what does a dog say......ruff ruff, what does a chicken say.....bock bock, what does a cow say.......moo moo" and on and on. What parent doesn't love that, its so darn cute. Anyway, after several minutes of having the Rooterbug emulate all these wacky animals for my pleasure, I say "what does Mommy say?" Without hesitation she spits out "I love you so much." Yes, tears, happy, joyous, lovely tears. Of all the things I say in a day, it pleases me beyond words to know that I tell her "I love you soooo much", enough that she knows it. What's better than that??? She says it back to me wholeheartedly everyday too.

She also says "God bless you" which I have said to her every night since she was born when I tuck her in. You want to talk about tears, wow, when that came out in the darkness of her bedroom one night I could barely get the words out to pass the story along to my husband. Then it was my mom, and his mom and sisters calling up trying to get her to say it. I can't blame them, who doesn't want a piece of that.

I said earlier that we could all use a little more love, so if you're reading this.....I love you so much and ..................God Bless You!